Measuring the density
polymer in just 120 seconds
The Ortelli Density Cube is the new system that makes it possible to quickly measure
the density of thermoplastic polymers (HDPE) with the hydrostatic pressure method
sweeping away the uncertainty and inconvenience of
the old gradient columns measuring process.
You can not obtain these results with the OLD measuring systems.
- In just a few minutes, with a system ready straight away
- Automatically, eliminating external factors
- With greater certainty, in a replicable way
Misura densità polimeri Termoplastici (HDPE)
in soli 120 secondi

Questi risultati sono inarrivabili per i VECCHI sistemi. Oggi possiamo ottenere informazioni…
- In pochi minuti, con un sistema subito pronto
- In modo automatico annullando i fattori esterni
- Con maggior certezza, in modo replicabile
The industries’ fast and continuous production cycle of HDPE and similar polymers is no longer conformable with the response times of gradient columns.
Ortelli Density Cube, on the other hand, uses a suitably developed and managed hydrostatic pressure process so that a precise analysis of the polymers’ density data can automatically be obtained in a few minutes.
The external temperature or the skills of the operator can affect the laboratory results while using the old density measurement systems.
Analysis carried out automatically, with thermal control and with a specific software, gave certain and reliable results, eliminating external interference.
Gradient measuring instruments, when compared with the same thermoplastic polymer, do not produce the same result, even when identical.
While the use of certified values for mass, volume, temperature and the polymer itself creates a new replicable method, which can be used for interlaboratory validation.
How does the measurement of HDPE thermoplastic polymers’ density work nowadays?
There are high standards of precision, speed and accuracy unreachable for certain tools.

The Gradient Column is still the main system for measuring the thermoplastic polymers’ density.
The complex management of the liquid solution, human mistakes and the extreme slowness of the measurement process make this old analytical process incompatible with the current production needs of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE).
The gradient column is an unreliable, rough, outdated tool.

What will be the future of the gradient column?

Ortelli Density Cube is the real and faster alternative to other ways to measure the HDPE thermoplastic polymers’ density with greater precision using the hydrostatic push principle.
Inside the Density Cube there is a robotic system that takes the previously prepared samples and dip them in a stable liquid detecting the data with a precision of 5 decimal places, impossible to be obtained with other measurement systems in use today.
Elements such as the special precision scales, the powerful software and the controlled temperature eliminate interference, generating a reliable and certain result.
will sweep away variability and imprecision.
It has finally been demonstrated: there is a new system capable of measuring the density of HDPE polymers – based on hydrostatic pressure- which wipes out the variability and inaccuracy of the old gradient columns’ method.
This procedure, accurate up to 5 decimal places, is the only one capable of measuring the density of thermoplastic polymers (HDPE) in a reliable and replicable way, without any interferences such as the temperature outside or the personal skills of the laboratory technician.
Each single sample is measured in just 2 minutes and in a fully automatic way.
The revolution has just started why not join it?
We want to create a new world standard for measuring, automating and managing forefront technologies; we are talking about the future and we know it very well, but this won’t scare us.
We love to challenge the current state of things and fight the approximated and uncertain results obtained with traditional density measurement systems.
Ortelli Technologies
is the result of Italian innovation and passion; accuracy, speed and punctuality are our driving forces.
Accurate, replicable and fast laboratory results can make a huge difference in industries’ fast and continuous production cycles, we truly believe this.
We love to challenge the current state of things and fight the approximated and uncertain results obtained with traditional density measurement systems.
Ortelli Technologies
is the result of Italian innovation and passion; accuracy, speed and punctuality are our driving forces.
Accurate, replicable and fast laboratory results can make a huge difference in industries’ fast and continuous production cycles, we truly believe this.
We want to create a new world standard for measuring, automating and managing forefront technologies; we are talking about the future and we know it very well, but this won’t scare us.